Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

Announcement of Plan of Development Competition OGIP 2011

Dear Participant,
Thank you for your participation in the Plan of Development Competition (PODC) Oil and Gas Intellectual Parade (OGIP) 2011, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta. According to report of Plan of Development that submitted to the committee, we have selected 6 finalist who will present their work in Yogyakarta. The selection is based on the completeness of data which is analyzed. So, We congratulate the following finalist

Deddy Fernando
Zulmi Ramadhana
Octavia Adrianti P.
Randi C. Tombuku
Keiza Cindy Callista

Trisakti Team :
Andrian Raharjo
Hazeon Eduward
Milky Umar
Naraswari Probowati
Savitri Mutiah

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Team

Molensky Julysdayani
Rizqi Silvia Dewi
Sondang Herianto Sahat M.T.S
Aldis Ramadhan
Sri Rahayu

Institut Teknologi Bandung Team
Jovie Yunara
Zilva Rifanti Latifa
Nikita Dewi Fairuz
Abdurrahman Fajar Muslim
Agung Prasetyo Nugroho

Universitas Proklamasi ’45 Team
Agustinho Da Silva
Eduardo Gonzalves
Maximiano Gama Suarez
Rizka Cynthia M.

Universitas Gadjah Mada

M. Amin Ahlun Nazar
Irien Akinina
Erfandi Adhiansyah
Ali Akbar Velayati
Anwar Sadat

We want to give our deepest gratitude for every team who applied for this competition. We know it required a lot of hard work and we truly appreciate all the efforts. We will give the Certificates for all participants who join the selection round. For the selected teams, please prepare your presentation in final round.

Best Regards,
Uwes Qorni
Project Manager POD Competition
Asia Pacific Student Competition OGIP 2011

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